Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Stevie Blunder

This is my first Blog. I already know that isn't a good enough topic for a blog so I'm going to talk about Stevie Wonder.

I was listening to Stevie Wonder songs tonight. I started to , without thinking as I was engrossed in something else, sway my head left and right for a couple of seconds, and stopped realising, I was doing his thing. I searched deep and quick inside my brain to find the answer to the question: "Had I been doing that because I know its what he does, or does his music just make you naturally do that?". It makes him do that, so... it might have the same effect for others. I concluded it was a bit of both, and that the song that had just come on was awful.

The song was Happy Birthday. It's a shit song in it's own right, but especially compared to it's playlist predecessor, his classics : Living For The City. I had never really listened to the lyrics of Happy Birthday before. I thought it was just a general birthday song. It became apparent it was about someone. At first I thought it was about Jesus, but then he was saying, in his lyrics, that this person should have a day dedicated to them and since Jesus has a pretty big one where people buy each other stuff like perfume, The Matrix Reloaded and , yeah, even Stevie Wonder cds, it couldn't be him.

My second guess was Martin Luther King. I called myself an idiot because I know he has an official day in the states. Martin Luther King day. Then, I took my idiot comment back, because I realised that this could have been Pre-Official-M.L.K-Day. He said it then in the song then, it was Martin Luther King.

The next song that came on was Master Blaster(Jammin) It was a song about Bob Marley's music, but I knew that one straight off the bat.