Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm not even going to try to choose my words carefully.

I found my girlfriends flute on her bed today. She was playing it before I got there. I can usually play any instrument to a passable degree after a couple of minutes. She has some Turkish violin made out of a hollowed coconut and intestines or something and a bow that looked like shred of swan wing in her basement and I rocked that motherfucker automatically.

The flute is impossible. Hardest instrument ever. Harder than the Thermin.

While we were walking through town today I saw a scrotebag and his mate throw an egg down a busy Henry Street. My Spidey senses alerted me to it as soon as it was thrown. I looked back and an Indian lad was milled in the back with it. I eyeballed the knackerbastards and they looked like they were gonna start something but they bottled it. As we walked down the end of the road (I walked backwards to make sure they didnt make a go of me from a distance) we saw a lot more broken eggs and an older dude wiping gloop off his bag.


Were watching Zack And Mirri Make A Porno. Its decent. Shes on her way back upstairs with food so.. laterz

1 comment:

Wez said...