Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Walk

It was Arctic weather. I entered a room and saw the Moldovan. He was speaking some sort of Romanian dialect with the Hungarians. The Chinese men entered. One was full of cheer and the other seemed happy but remained his usual silent self. The Italian was drunk and merry. The Frenchman and the Russian girl were chatting away in good spirits. I was informed that the Pole and the only two other Irishmen were a no show due to illness. We would have to do this without them.

There wasn't any tension, just anticipation. I knew that the Hungarians had starved themselves all day in preparation. The Slovakian was staying behind to keep the house in order. If she needs any help she can radio across to the sister building and the Mongolian girl would help out. When the final Hungarian arrived, we set outside our comfort zone to head 20 minutes across the city by foot.
I knew I was the real foreigner my Christmas Dinner Party.

One of the Hungarians took photos along the way. He photographed a car being driven, and occupied by two African women. As soon as the flash went off, the car shrieked to a halt and the door open. None of us could grasp what she was screaming at him but It sounded like she didn't appreciate having her photo taken and I'm pretty sure she thought he was someone hired to do so. Another classic snap was of a Sex Shop on Caple St., but just as he took the photo a nervous customer was entering and was startled by the flash.

The dinner was blah, yeah, good I wont bore you with the details. I sat with the Moldovan and asked him about his homeland, the mafia, prison and other cool shit.

The stockier, older Hungarian who turns out to be Romanian, asked me if I could make him a cd of music. When I asked him what he would like, he said, in one breath with no facial expression : "The Homosexual Freddy Mercury".
Not "That homosexual? whats his name ...oh!! Freddy Mercury!", so I don't think he was trying to be shocking but sounded weird. He then said and I quote" I like music of the fags, Freddy Mercury, Elton John, George Michael, Rod Steward but I am not fag, I just like the music'". It was just getting weird. He's a fitness freak with a bit of a flouncy name who lives alone and I think he's gonna make an important discovery someday..... about himself.

Oh... and probably one or two things about Rob Steward too.

1 comment:

Linds said...

*in hysterics*

and i quote....