Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Recession, Anarchy, Irish Corn and Proximity: A Reprise

Part of me gets a sick pleasure in hearing our country is fucked.

Greed is an awful virtue and Irish people with power are the WORST.
Even though I know in these cases, the little man always suffers the most, there's a little voice inside me laughing at hearing Ireland is in debt to the tune of 8 Billion. I think I hope somehow, somewhere the smug grin will be wiped deservingly of someones face. I think somewhere deep down, part of me wants it to get so bad that even the suited pigs suffer. I know it sounds childish and anarchic but I hate how greedy the Irish as businessmen, employers and governing bodies have become.

This is mostly unconscious thoughts/feelings that I'm trying to explore and explain, as opposed to something Ive been thinking about. The subconscious is always more of a Black Comedy than the Romantic Feelgood Summer Blockbuster that is our conscious.

Most people that wish anarchy and disruption are just shock merchants looking for attention, anyway.

Irish Corn
There's only one word I can use to describe Irish television and that is CORNY. Embarrassing it is. Irish presenters, and probably more to the point, the producers are so blunt edged, it's painful. That TV3 show Xpose? OUCH! Never let the lowest common denominators of Blackrock talk about fashion. They're CORNY. That new Irish Cd being advertised, The Three Priests singing "YOU RRAAIISSEE MME UUPP" and also we have The Celtic Woman singing... yeah, "YOOUU RAAIISSEE MMEE UUPPP".. Man we are Corny fucks. I'm ashamed. I guess it's not as bad as Irish Clubland : techno versions of the Fields Of Athenry and "Ill Tell Me Ma" and whatnot. That's up there with the Famine and Omagh.

What is WRONG with some people???

Proximity: A Reprise.

In my last blog about personal space issues I forgot to mention that I hate when your waking in a tight space and some CROWN WARDEN is letting a line of people past and feels the need to tap each one or touch each one on the back or shoulder as they go.

I hate having to warn them about not doing it to me before they even think about it...

..but what I hate even more than that is some people's "OOhhhh, are you a molestee??" attitude you get just because you don't like PEOPLE YOU DON'T KNOW putting their hands on you. Why are more people not creeped out by this? Ive gotten that from a couple of people in the past.

"You don't had to have been molested, to have your personal boundaries tested" that's what I always say :)

1 comment:

Sean-Lugosi said...

What's a crown warden?